Rajput is a mixbreed caste in India which is classified as Upper caste, General caste or Forward caste by Government of India. But in Some of Rajputs are classified as Other Backward Class (OBC) by Government.
- Rajputs in Karnataka are classified as Other Backward Class (OBC) by Government because of their financial condition. Rajputs of Karnataka are not prosperous like Rajputs of Rajasthan.
- Ravana Rajputs (also known as Daroga Rajputs) of Rajasthan are classified as Other Backward Class (OBC) government because Ravana Rajputs are the child of concubines of Rajput Jagirdars. In present days, Ravanas calls himself as Rajput because their fathers were Rajput and their mothers were from different castes such as Bhil, Meena, Lohar. Ravana Rajputs also known as Daroga Rajputs because they are born by concubins of Rajput jagirdars so their mothers often forced the jagirdars to grant a post of Daroga (Policeman, Security guard) to their childs, in this ways, Ravana Rajputs todays known as Daroga Rajput also.
- Karadiya Rajput (Karadia Rajput) are classified as Other Backward Class (OBC) caste by Government of Gujarat. Karadiya Rajputs are called as Karadiya because they were tributary to the Muslim rulers. They gave tax to muslim rulers and Kar means tax Diya means gave so they were tax giver to muslim and came to be known as Karadiya Rajput.
- Kathi Darbar (Kathi Rajput) are classified as Other Backward Class (OBC) by Government of Gujarat because of the critical condition. Kathi is a separate caste and not have any connection with Rajputs by origin but Kathi people married their daughters to Rajputs of Gujarat. After marriage alliance with Rajputs, Kathis of Gujarat started calling themselves as Kathi Darbar, Kathi Kshatriya and Kathi Rajput. In general, Rajputs of Gujarat do not accept the Kathi as a Rajput but because of political and populational views Rajput count the Kathis as Rajput.
- Lodhi Rajput are Classified as Other Backward Class (OBC) caste by Government of Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh. Lodhi is a seperate caste by origin but often claim to be Rajput to be high in social status but this claim was denied by Rajput community. In present days, Rajputs do not oppose Lodhi's Rajput status because lodhis also have rich history as ruling class and ruled over jagir or estates.
- Jadeja Rajput (Jareja Rajput) is not a Rajput caste, Jadejas were seperate tribe in Gujarat and Sindh region but Jadejas were rich, prosperous tribe and were rulers of several princely states and many jagir. Rajputs of Gujarat tried several times to be mixed with Jadejas of Gujarat but Jadejas do not befriend with Rajputs. Rajputs of Gujarat married their daughters to Jadejas of Gujarat and then Rajputs forced the Jadejas to be Rajput and in present days Jadedas are Rajput.
- Bundela Rajput (Bundele Rajput) are not a Rajput caste, Bundela was a seperate tribe in Bundelkhand region but Bundelas were rich and prosperous and jagirdars so they tried several times to make marriage alliance with Rajputs of Rajasthan but Rajputs of Rajasthan do not want marriage alliance with Bundelas because Bundelas were not rich and prosperous like Rajputs of Rajasthan. Bundelas were mostly jagirdars so they Bundelas married their daughters to poorest Rajputs of Rajasthan by granting land, gold and money to poorest Rajputs of Rajasthan. In this way, Bundelas became Bundela Rajput.
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